In this project, I am displaying a list of all my GitHub repositories and a details page for each repo. Here are the key features of the app. I also...
Web 2.0 basically refers to worldwide websites which highlight user-generated content and usability for end users. It is characterised specifically by...
Following the completion of my 3 months training at Zuri Training , I'll be joining the HNGI8 internship this week as a Front End Web Developer. Am...
I heard about side hustle internship from a friend who posted the link on a group chat. I registered, got accepted and bam! Here I am! My experience...
I struggled with understanding it at first too NGL.. · What is an API in very simple terms? You’ve probably heard the term API before, almost rhymes...
What is an array? JavaScript arrays are used to store multiple values in a single variable. Example : var cars = ["Saab", "Volvo", "BMW"]; Creating an...